Does Long-Term Care Insurance or Medicare Cover Assisted Living?
Long-term care insurance, personal assistance and family support are options for paying for assisted living. As they get older, many...

The Telehealth Extension and Evaluation Act and what it Means for You
The bill will extend current telehealth access for Medicare patients, but why should business owners care about changes to Medicare?...

Innovation At The Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services: A Vision For The Next 10 Years
"Excerpt: As incoming leaders at CMS under a new administration, we have taken stock of lessons learned from the first ten years of the...

What has Changed for Your 2022 Medicare Coverage?
The new year has begun and with that there are changes everywhere, including with Medicare. Premiums, deductibles and other cost...

Caring for Aging Baby Boomers: The 2030 Issue
Article by James R Knickman and Emily Snell "The economic burden of aging in 2030 should be no greater than the economic burden...