Looking for Reliable Hay Fever Advice? It's Probably Not on YouTube.
Need information about hay fever? Steer clear of YouTube, a new study advises. Researchers found misinformation about allergic rhinitis,...

How prepared are your employees for health care expenses in retirement?
Inflation and ongoing financial issues from the COVID-19 pandemic have hit many Americans hard. We can cut corners and curb spending, but...

How Worried Should You Be About New Reports on Polio?
Poliovirus detected in New York City wastewater last week put public health officials on high alert, as it indicates the potentially...

Managing Stress and Building Resilience
In a world still battered by COVID and multiple other challenges, many people are feeling stressed. Dr. Stuart Lustig, a child...

Dietary Supplements: Are You Throwing Money Away?
Most Americans swear by dietary supplements, with nearly 3 of 4 people taking some type of supplement on a daily basis, a new...