Telemedicine: What to know
Telemedicine is a term that covers the use of technology to deliver clinical care at a distance. It ensures that a person receives healthcare when needed, especially for those with limited access to care.
Telemedicine uses electronic and telecommunication technology to provide an exchange of medical information, despite a person and their doctor not being in the same room.
It can be as simple as text messaging medical care to as advanced as remotely controlled surgery.
Experts have used telemedicine in clinical settings for decades, with its first reference in a clinical setting recorded in medical literature in the late 1950–1960s.
This article explores telemedicine, its uses, potential benefits, and drawbacks. It also answers frequently asked questions about the practice.
What is telemedicine? Read entire article by Angelica Balingit, MD and Rachel Ann Tee-Melegrito -MedicalNewsToday
