Anxiety Disorders
What are anxiety disorders?
Everyone knows what it's like to feel anxious. Have you felt butterflies in your stomach before a first date? Or jitters before giving a speech? Maybe you've had sweaty palms or a racing heartbeat during challenging or dangerous situations. These feelings are normal. But what if you felt anxious most of the time? What if you couldn't even find a reason for feeling this way? What if you found yourself avoiding everyday routines or activities? What if you became paralyzed by your own nervousness? This is what life is like for people who suffer from anxiety disorders. These are mental illnesses based in biology. Let's learn more about the different types of anxiety disorders.

What are the different types of anxiety disorders?
Panic disorder
People who suffer from panic disorder have panic attacks. Panic attacks are instances of extreme fear or discomfort. They start suddenly and build to a peak, usually within ten minutes. Panic attacks come with physical symptoms, like:
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath
The feeling of choking
Chest pain
Fear of losing control or dying
Hot flashes
Read entire article at Cigna (Information from National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI))